Coleman Classic Propane Camping Stove Review

Coleman Camping Stove

The thing about camping is that for most people it’s not a one-off activity. You do it once then you do it again and again. A must-have in your camping kit is a stove to cook your meals.

You don’t want to be in nature eating up processed foods right? For a decent price, you can get this edition by Coleman. You might wonder what it is precisely you’ll be getting with this purchase. Well, let me spell it out.

Product Features

  • 2 independent burners – These can be adjusted independently depending on what you are trying to cook on each. There have been complaints by various users about regulating the heat. A recurring theme is that the flame is either too low or too high with no medium.
  • 20,000 BTU –This cooking power is divided equally among the two burners available on the stove at 10,000 each. On average 45-50ozof water will take about 5 minutes to boil when you set the burner at maximum.
  • PerfectHeat technology – Fuel is a precious resource and should be conserved at every opportunity. This system makes sure you use as little fuel as possible when you get down to making your meal.
  • Perfectflow technology – Tired of inconsistent flames? No one likes them, and Coleman put in this feature specifically for that reason.
  • Chrome-plated grate – The grate covers both burners from end to end. Regarding capacity, it can generally hold one 12 inch pan alongside a 10 inch one. What’s more, the grate is detachable. When bits of food tend to fall through the cracks to the burner area, it can be a tad bit frustrating. Removing the grate should make the stove easier to clean.
  • Wind block panels – Strong air currents and flames don’t mix. They can even lead to accidents causing fires. It’s also common knowledge that a camping site is sure to experience more than a few bursts of wind now and then. Since these cooking conditions are not ideal, Coleman has added some wind block panels to shield the burners and the flames from this element. They are also adjustable to accommodate different pan sizes.
  • Aluminum cook-top – You probably don’t want to have to buy a new stove every few years. Some stoves give you no choice in the matter since they fall victim to rust and wither away. The fact that this one is made mostly of aluminum means users won’t have to contend with rust after purchase.
Coleman Classic Propane Camping Stove

This camping essential has been around for about five decades, and it’s still the choice for many. There have been some tweaks here and there over the years, but overall it’s still the same old concept, and it remains under the same name. It is important to note that it doesn’t come with a propane gas cylinder. This little yet crucial addition will have to be purchased independently. A small 16.4oz cylinder will cook meals on high heat for close to 60 minutes. Plenty of time for you to make that lunch or dinner for your family.

Of course, you can purchase a bigger propane cylinder or multiple small ones if you know you are going to be exploring nature for more than a day or two. We recommend the former course of action since bigger ones are easy to refill. The 16oz ones are mostly built for one-off use. Additionally, even their disposal is set to be more trouble than it’s worth.

Ideally, you should use it in a setting with a picnic table or a countertop of some sort since it doesn’t ship with a stand.

While built for camping it doesn’t necessarily have to be used that way. A lot of people have reportedly found it useful when facing power issues. This is especially true for those who have survived natural disasters such as hurricanes. It can prove a valuable alternative when other means of cooking are unavailable.

How to set up the Coleman camping stove

Like any product out there it is set to have some advantages as well as disadvantages.


  • The stove features a simple, elegant design.
  • Most of the stove is impervious to rust.
  • The wind block setup makes part of the carrying case making it easy to transport.
  • Setting it up in the camping spot is easy.
  • The unit is very affordable.


  • The valves can be gummy.
  • The flame cannot be adjusted to moderate even while dialing down the valve.
  • No ignition switch meaning you will have to bring along some matches.

One user seems to have found a technical but straightforward solution to the gummy valves problem. Buyers will have to get their hands dirty, but they will be better off for it in the long run. Anyone willing to try it out can find the steps here.

Alternatives to The Coleman Classic Camping Stove

While overall it is an excellent product, people have different tastes, and as a result, some might not be as impressed with it as we are. Worry not. There are various other alternatives that you can try out.

1. Coleman Triton 2 Burner Propane Stove

Coleman Triton 2 Burner Propane Stove

This stove is more or less similar to the classic stated above with a few minor differences. One is that the total power output is about 2000 units more than the classic making it a total of 22000 BTUs. An optional accessory in the form of the griddle will also need to be purchased independently. This could raise the cost significantly seeing as though the Triton is already more expensive than the classic.

The similarities include the perfect flow and perfect heat technologies in the former. Also, the unit can support the same size pans as the classic. Some users report that the adjustment knobs can be just as challenging to work with. Overall we don’t think there are enough differences to justify the difference in price.

2. Camp Chef Everest High-Output 2-Burner Stove

Camp Chef Everest High-Output 2-Burner Stove

This stove has been cited as a market leader by some and can hold its own when put to the test. Of the two burners in this stove, each puts out a total of 20000 BTU  which is twice as many as the classic. The automatic ignition nullifies the need to carry matches on your camping trip. Most users find that flame control is quite easy on this edition which is a distinct advantage over the models above.

However, one could make an argument against it citing the price which is more than double that of the classic.

For the full camping experience, it might also be necessary to include a grill in your camping kit. Our team has reviewed some of the best portable ones to guide you in making your purchase. Click here to check that out.


The classic may not be everyone’s first choice, but it is reliable. If you think about the price of the stove in comparison with the features, it is quite clearly a bargain. For that reason, it remains a popular choice for many campers and will continue to be for quite a while.

This article was last updated on November 28, 2022 .

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