When work takes you on constant trips, and you have to stay in hotels a lot, you will probably start to feel like the hotel rooms just aren’t safe enough. With nothing but a locked door between you and the burglar, you will feel like you aren’t adequately protected. But how can you make every room in every hotel or motel safe? You can do it with a travel door alarms.
The 5 Best Selling Travel Door Alarms:
Here we list only the top five best selling travel door alarms from well-known travel gadget manufacturers. All rankings updated in real-time and all the below-listed travel door alarms can be purchased online and delivered to most popular international destinations.
Our Selection of The 5 Best Travel Door Alarms:
Place one of these nifty things in your hotel room and you will be able to sleep a little sounder at night away from your own home. If you’re in need of one, here are five of the best travel door alarms currently on the market:
1. Doberman Security Portable Door Alarm

The best travel alarms are always the simplest and the loudest, and Doberman Security Portable Door Alarm is just such one device. This little thing is not larger than a pendant, but it will produce a noise of up to 100dB. Not only that, but the device is simple to install, and, thanks to its small size, can literally fit into your pocket.
To install the alarm all you have to do is to hang it on the doorknob and place the metal clip into the doorjamb. At that point, the device is armed and ready, and you can finally go soundly to sleep.
2. Sabre Wedge Door Security System

Simple and reliable, Sabre Wedge Door Security System is one of the most affordable and best-performing travel security systems. This little wedge is not only an alarm but serves as break-in prevention.
The wedge is placed beneath the door, so that when a burglar tries to open the door, he not only triggers the 120 dB alarm but digs the thing further into the ground, disallowing him to open the door.
The product features a special non-skid pad that won’t allow the wedge to move. It uses 1.9 V batteries, and it features an audible sound that will warn you when the battery is low.
3. Feenm Door Stop Alarm

Third up, we have a device from Feenm. This device is very similar in shape and size to Sabre, and delivers a performance just as good. As before, put the wedge underneath your door, put the battery in, and you’re all set. The device, upon being triggered, will emit a 120 dB sound, and the anti-skid pad will disable the burglar from entering through the door.
One more thing you should know about this device is that it has three distinct sensitivity levels. This is good for those who have pets like cats, so your cat won’t trigger the alarm if it opens the door, as they’re highly mobile during the night, and they won’t wake you unnecessarily.
4. Lewis N. Clark Travel Door Alarm

Our penultimate product is the Lewis N. Clark travel door alarm. This little doohickey is similar to our first item, both in design and simplicity. The premise is the same, as you have a metal clip, and you insert it into the doorjamb. The body is then simply hung on the knob, and the next time somebody tries to open the door, they’ll be met with a powerful 91 dB scream.
The device also has a neat and convenient flashlight. This can be useful if you plan to give chase, or simply examine the damage to your door.
5. GE Personal Security Door Alarm

Our last device is yet another convenient little wedge. Just like before, put your device under the door (make sure there’s 1-3.5 cm clearance) and you’re good to go. As before, the device lets out a 120 dB sound that is sure to startle the intruder and wake you up. Again, the anti-skid pad will prevent the door from being opened ajar.
Also, the product is battery-powered, adding a great convenience in case of power shortages.
What is a Travel Door Alarm?
A travel door alarm allows you to add extra security to any location, by directly attaching the alarm to the door. They are designed to be easy to install and operate.
Travel door alarms come in a couple of different styles, some hanging from the doorknob, while others look like doorstops. The aim of both is the same. If attempts to open the door, a high-pitched alarm sounds, scaring the intruder away and also alerting you to the person.
How does a Travel Door Alarm Work?
The two main types are the doorknob hanging type and the wedge type, so let’s look at those.
Doorknob hanging travel door alarms are very quick to put in place. Hang it from the doorknob, insert the tab into the doorjamb, and the alarm is set, ready to go. Should an intruder try to open the door, the tab will fall out from the doorjamb, allowing the contacts to spring apart and sound a piercing alarm.
A simpler version of the doorknob alarm is available, without the tab to insert into the doorjamb. This type detects when the door handle is moved, so it operates sooner than the other types of alarm.
The wedge style, travel door alarm operates in a very different way. With the door closed, push the wedge shape gently under the door, but not tightly. A gap of a few millimeters is left. This type of alarm has two functions. When an intruder opens the door, the wedge is closed, and the alarm is activated. Also, the wedge shape acts like a doorstop, preventing the door from opening further. The underside of the wedge often has rubber feet or carpet grippers to help it stop sliding.
Both these travel alarms are used from inside the room, and you cannot set them from the outside. If you want the ability to set the alarm from the outside, you’ll need one with remote control. These types of door alarm are not usually designed to be portable, however.
Sound and Volume
The sound of the alarm is designed to be high-pitched so that it travels, alerting others of the situation. Try to hear the alarm sound before buying if possible.
Volume-wise they can vary, with some at just 80dB, and others as loud as 130dB. Remember that every 3dB increase represents a doubling in the sound intensity!
Does a Travel Door Alarms add Security?
Yes, both types of increase your security, but in different ways. The doorknob style alarm only adds the warning and doesn’t prevent anyone from entering the room. It is also worth noting that the simple movement detection, door handle alarms are prone to false alarms. A young child may touch the alarm, or a breeze could move it, setting off the siren. For this reason, the alarms that use a detector in the doorjamb are the preferred choice.
On the other hand, the wedge style, travel door alarm also acts as a deterrent. The siren will sound as soon as the door moves and closes the switch on the alarm. An intruder will now find the alarm is acting as a doorstop, preventing the door from being opened further, and giving you time to react.
Do I Need Tools to Install Travel Door Alarms?
The great benefit of the travel door alarms in the review is that you don’t need any tools to set them up. Both types are very quick to install and give an extra layer of security.
Packing a Travel Door Alarm
Unless your travel door alarm is small and light, you won’t pack it when you go on vacation. The majority of these types of alarm will fit in your pocket but do check the weight before buying.
What Batteries do Travel Door Alarms Need?
All the alarms reviewed here need batteries. In most cases, the alarms either use AAA type batteries or sometimes the 9v square battery. Both types are readily available and long-lasting when used in travel door alarms.
And, there you have it, five awesome travel security accessories. These devices will keep you safe at night wherever you go. Small, cheap and compact, these devices are your ultimate traveling companions and your faithful guard hounds.
This article was last updated on November 28, 2022 .
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